Meet Anna Christina
"I have 20 years experience as a herbalist and massage therapist. I am a graduate of the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts in 2003 and Farmacy Herbs in 2008. I do what I do with a holistic approach. As well as providing care, I help my clients develop essential self-care routines focused on stretching, nutrition, stress management and herbal support. There is quite a bit braided into my practice. My clients come to me on a regular basis to maintain the full function of their bodies. People are referred to me by physical therapists, chiropractors and midwives, and of course, other clients.
My passion is to work with people through hard times, pain and ill health to help them feel whole again. I have been fortunate to witness the healing process of so many. More and more people in this country are moving towards a natural way of healing and away from dependence on pharmaceuticals and surgery. I am grateful to work closely with my clients and customers to help them connect with the earth, themselves and take charge of their own wellbeing.
My calling is to care for others. While building my practice, I was also a caregiver for elders, an EMT and the foundation of support for several women through pregnancy and raising their children. I have six fairy godchildren and attended three of their births. My name is Auntie Anna.
I make teas, tinctures, tonics and topical remedies. These remedies support the healing of all sorts of ailments such as arthritis, traumatic injuries, skin conditions, digestive issues, respiratory issues, immune support, hormone balance and more.
In today’s society, people are moving from dependence on western medicine, (pharmaceuticals and surgery) to understanding and trusting more traditional and natural ways of healing. My clients call me when they are sick or injured. They use my Ache Away Oil instead of ibuprofen, they drink the Balance Blend tea instead of hormone treatments, the De-Stress Extract instead of Xanax, the Breathe Easy tincture rather than over the counter cough suppressant. I am grateful I can provide homegrown remedies to the community with no side effects."
Feel free to email, or call (207) 315-5924 with questions.
“As a nurse I’ve become less a follower of traditional medicine and more a champion of holistic, natural remedies. Anna grows, harvests and prepares all her own products, delivering relief for whatever “ails” you. So, take a stroll through her web site and GET HEALTHY !”
- Roxanne S.